Strange dream
“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” C.G Jung
Anima Mundi – The world soul is, according to several systems of thought, an intrinsic connection between all living things on the planet, which relates to the world in much the same way as the soul is connected to the human body.
Anima – from Latin, soul. (in Jungian psychology) the feminine part of a person’s personality. The part of the psyche which is directed inwards, in touch with the subconscious.
The Feminine /Anima has long been neglected and abused in this heteronormative patriarchal society. The result is not only apparent in how men treat women but in how we relate to the feminine. How we treat nature and our planet, and how we treat ourselves. Nature plays an important part in any healing. Sadly our relationship with nature is mostly of dominance. If we look at human beings we all consist of masculine and feminine energy. Each person has a responsibility to heal themselves.
The only way to heal is to go within.
In this series, I’m exploring this “part of the psyche which is directed inwards” this intangible space, rich with feeling and imagination. Looking at the idea that outside reality is the illusion “the dream” and our inner experience, especially our dreams, tells us more about what is real. In this world of dreams is where we discover and find healing through our Anima. Mirrors are significant in this series. Our dreams reflect ourselves. We mirror our shadow to each other. Nature is within us; we are a part of nature.
Strange dream, (part II) 2019.
Strange dream, (part I). 2019
Deep sleep. 2019
I want to feel the depth of my wound. 2019
Submerge. 2019
Nature heals, (Part I). 2019
Nature heals, (Part II). 2019