

The series inside initially started as Self portraits.  One day I saw a young woman, Kyra, and I immediately knew I wanted to photograph her. It seemed as though our meeting was more than coincidence and our relationship has grown ever since that day.  Working with Kyra has been rich and deeply healing for both of us. I feel that the portraits I have been exploring with Kyra are a sort of extension of my self Portraits, even though I am the observer and more objective in the process I do feel that something almost alchemical takes place between us.

Inside is an exploration of this inner space, the inner landscapes of the psyche. Emphasizing the feminine or anima. The images represent in most part manifestations of emotional and feeling states, making the “Invisible” inner world more visible and expressing a kind of beauty that is not always comfortable. Through my approach to image making a darker element emerges and feels safe to reveal itself. I gaze upon “her” with sensitivity and acceptance, and I invite this same sensitivity from the viewer, an allowance to be touched by both her beauty and her pain.